
RWD Portfolio


For today’s lab assignment, you will work independently to create a personal portfolio. You will begin with the provided starter code and modify the contents to complete your feature tasks. Take time to review the provided code base and understand its structure before adding features.


Repository Set-up

User Acceptance Tests

Time Estimate

For each of the features listed below, make an estimate of the time it will take you to complete the feature, and record your start and finish times for that feature:

Number and name of feature: ________________________________

Estimate of time needed to complete: _____

Start time: _____

Finish time: _____

Actual time needed to complete: _____

Add this information to your README.

Feature #1: Refactor the CSS

Why are we implementing this feature?

What are we going to implement?

Given that a user opens the application in the browser
When the user navigates to the home page
Then the portfolio contents should be displayed

How are we implementing it?

Feature #2: Modify the contents

Why are we implementing this feature?

What are we going to implement?

Given that a user opens the application in the browser
When the user navigates to the home page
Then the content should be unique and reflect the skills and personality of the developer

How are we implementing it?

Submission Instructions

  1. Complete your Feature Tasks for the lab
  2. Create a PR back to the master branch of your repository, and merge it cleanly.
  3. On Canvas, submit a link to your PR. Add a comment in your Canvas assignment which includes the following:
    • A question within the context of today’s lab assignment
    • An observation about the lab assignment, or related ‘Ah-hah!’ moment
    • How long you spent working on this assignment